The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #165215   Message #4057474
Posted By: Charmion
05-Jun-20 - 10:55 AM
Thread Name: BS: Recipes - what are we eating?
Subject: RE: BS: Recipes - what are we eating?
The best pizza I have ever eaten we made at home, on a sourdough crust. If I start making pizza again, I would have to pop down to the sourdough bakery and bum some starter -- yes, we live near a sourdough bakery and the boss gives away starter if you ask nicely. We are blessed.

One of the local good restaurants (we are further blessed by the presence of several) is an Italian-style joint with a pizzeria downstairs and a white-tablecloth dining-room upstairs. Their pizza is about the best I've ever had in a restaurant (no, I've never been to Italy), with crisp crust, a variety of sauces, and an even wider choice of dressings that they don't pile higher and deeper. If you're a "house special with the works" kind of diner, they will do you an Ontario-style thick crust with tomato sauce and a load of cheese, but not if they can help it.

I don't know where the load of rocket fad came from, but it's here, too. Rocket has its place, but heaped higgledy-piggledy on a perfectly innocent pizza is not it.