The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #168025   Message #4058301
Posted By: Jim Carroll
09-Jun-20 - 03:04 AM
Thread Name: Origins: The Green Linnet
Subject: RE: Origins: The Green Linnet
I don't believe the text to pe particularly 'pompous' - it iis very much in the style of the 'praise poets' who flourished in Ireland in the 18th and first half of the 19th centuries - there are books of the stuff - 'Songs of the Muster Poets' being typical
Many of the songs were translated from the Irish - few of them translated well (I am told - I don't have Irish), but they hang together perfectly in their native tongue
This may have been made "in the style of" rather than an established poet
I very much doubt if it fell within the abilities of a Hack - (a poor poet under pressure) - they had neither the time nor the talent

I was interested when our late friend, P. J. Crotty, the Clare flute player decided to put it on his C.D. not long before he died
He had played it for as long as we knew him but he wanted to listen carefully to it being sung by a good singer "So I can get the phrasing right"