The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #168014   Message #4058504
Posted By: Joe Offer
10-Jun-20 - 12:35 AM
Thread Name: Mudcat Worldwide Singaround-On Zoom Mondays!!
Subject: RE: Mudcat Worldwide Singaround Mondays 8 PM London
I will post the link in this thread Monday, an hour before the gathering. I will also send links by personal message Sunday, to members who post in this thread. If you've pasted anything above, you'll get a pm from me Sunday. Sorry, I can't send personal messages to Guests, so you'll have to look here Monday for the link.
I will change the meeting ID every week for security purposes.
I can't handle anything that comes in Monday, because I'm teaching a Class Mondays and have just half an hour free after the class.
Looking forward to seeing you Monday.