The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31268   Message #406010
Posted By: GUEST,RE: To DaveO from Adam
25-Feb-01 - 12:39 PM
Thread Name: Help: Henry Martin
Subject: RE: Help: Henry Martin
My D.I. team finished the song like this:

The british army was gaining on him "Here I can no longer stay. I will go seek fortune in far off Italy, Italy, Italy. Oh for a sattelite to show me the way."

Henry's new voyage was painful and long with no wind and scorching heat. But he was so farfrom fair London's reach, London's reach, London's reach. Young Henry Martin would not yet be beat.

At last reached an Italian lagoon and patiently waited for prey. But deep at the bottom the keelbreaker laid, laid, laid. The end of his pirate career came that day.

WE added sattelite for humor. As part of soving our problem we had to build a technical element from the time period we use. We chose the late 1500's. Today me and another team member are building the keelbreaker.