The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132499   Message #4061198
Posted By: leeneia
24-Jun-20 - 12:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: Language Pet Peeves
Subject: RE: BS: Language Pet Peeves
I just watched a YouTube video about language things narcissicists do. Now, I'm not sure 'narcissists' is the word they want, but whatever term you wish to employ for a verbo-jerk, the list is helpful:

Corrects others' grammar (includes apostrophes, I'm sure.)

Borrows technical jargon, often incorrectly

Directs conversation to a topic known to himself and no one else present

Makes it seem that others lose all credibility because of small mistakes.

Pretends to understand everything.

Claims to be logical without actually using logic.

Commits to ideas and will not change despite evidence.
There were other points, but they didn't strike home with me the way some of those above have.

Unless in a parental or classroom situation, a normal person does not correct another's usage or apostrophes.