The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65307   Message #4061582
Posted By: Senoufou
26-Jun-20 - 05:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: All the Scams Aren't in Nigeria
Subject: RE: BS: All the Scams Aren't in Nigeria
Do you know, I think this lockdown has brought all the 'rats' out of their holes! Today our village Facebook warned us all of two dodgy men going round the villages knocking on doors and offering to do rough garden work (cutting hedges etc). But they are wanted by the Police for stealing money from houses where they are offered work.
I had a phone call last year about loft insulation 'on a government grant' which was a load of rubbish. I merely gave the chap a stream of rude Malinke (which my husband unfortunately taught me hee hee) and he hung up.
I worry though about vulnerable old folk who might be taken in by these
nasty thieves.