The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65307   Message #4062161
Posted By: Steve Shaw
30-Jun-20 - 09:33 AM
Thread Name: BS: All the Scams Aren't in Nigeria
Subject: RE: BS: All the Scams Aren't in Nigeria
This morning, someone who had somehow obtained my credit card details tried to buy a used car for £4000 with it. I was bombarded with phone calls and texts telling me to ring this number/press this, that or the other button to reply, which may have been genuinely from Tesco Bank but I wasn't sure. Tesco Bank, in their infinite wisdom, spotted that I've never made transactions of anything like that amount and declined it. At the same time, probably the same person tried to use the card to pay their £11.99 Netflix sub! Anyway, cards cut up and new ones on the way. The moral is to not reply to anything but to go on to the bank's website to find the genuine number you need to report fraud. The Tesco fraud bloke was somewhat amused to hear that I'd planned to go all the way from Bude to Bromsgrove just to buy a cheapie used car...