The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67831   Message #4062263
Posted By: rich-joy
30-Jun-20 - 10:52 PM
Thread Name: Chris Couveau ? Ballad of Reading Gaol
Subject: RE: Chris Couveau ? Ballad of Reading Gaol
Well GUEST 30June20 (is that you, Colan?), it is indeed tempting to agree that Colin wrote the tune, IF I hadn’t been in possession of this aforementioned 1966 Oak Publication (“The Coffeehouse Songbook”) which includes both songs : “I Saw Her As She Came and Went” AND “The Ballad of Reading Gaol”, complete with scores and lyrics.

Now Colin Dryden came to Australia from Bradford, Yorkshire, in 1965, as a 22 year old.

As noted previously, “Reading Gaol” is noted in that Songbook as being sung to the same tune as “I Saw Her….”, in 1962, by a Chris Couveau. He/She used 3 verses and Colin used the SAME 3 verses, with an additional one that set the song.

Did Colin have a copy of that Oak Publication?? Had another singer taught him that song??

One of the rare sung versions of “Reading Gaol” on YouTube is 5min46secs by Colin Rudd and he mentions that Dominic Behan reduced the poem of 109 stanzas to a selection which Colin Rudd then put his own music. Only 2 of those many verses correspond with the 4 verses that Colin Dryden used.

Interestingly, though Bayard Rustin has been credited with the writing of “I Saw As She Came and Went” and folks have said it was his “signature tune”, there is NOW a recording on YT of Bayard in 1952 playing lute and singing this song in classical style – and its provenance is listed as “unknown”!!!!

….. sigh …..

I am almost resigned to the thought that I shall probably never know the true provenance of Colin’s rendering of “Reading Gaol” – too many of the folks who would know, have passed on - and yes, I know many would say “What on earth does it matter??!” But, sometimes the terrier in me just doesn’t want to let go - guess I am a Folkie, after all :)

I do believe though, that he evolved the existing tune (as one does!) and the resulting combination of the verse selection, beautiful tune, and very moving singing/playing, makes for an unforgetable contribution to both Wilde’s legacy and Folk Music generally (despite it not being widely known!)   I know that of all the many songs sung by my late beloved, Paul Lawler, THIS song was always my favourite!!

Colin’s niece Naomi Dryden-Smith (Hood?), has some of his music on Soundcloud, including this “Reading Gaol” by EXTRADITION (which of course includes Colan & Shayna!) :

For those wishing to know more of the late Colin Dryden, read Naomi’s 2 posts here :
"Not Your Average Uncle" - the story of her researching the history of her mysterious, legendary uncle is in her 30July2013 post - and the late Dermott Ryder's earlier write up on Colin and his songs is included in her 17March2020 post.   
Naomi’s YT channel is : , with one of Colin’s original songs, “SITHER”, and many photos.

Thanks to you all.

(in Qld)