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Thread #31119   Message #406289
Posted By: Little Hawk
26-Feb-01 - 12:33 AM
Thread Name: BS: We Are Not (well maybe) Alone
Subject: RE: BS: We Are Not (well maybe) Alone
Okay,'s my non-scientific explanation for how the 2 halves of the "particle" can be affected simultaneously by something being done to only one of them, even if the other one is 22 light years away from it....

1. The whole universe, as we know it, is a single unity, manifesting as many apparently separate things and events. It began as an inconceivably tiny singularity, which in fact did not exist at all in any measurable sense (prior to the "big bang").

2. What happens to one part of any of it is connected to all the other parts, because it is still a singularity. Some religions refer to this singularity as God, which is to say that it is intelligent, purposeful, and aware of what it's doing.

3. The religions are correct in that assumption. Everything is intelligent, purposeful, and aware...although most things do not appear so to a human observer, because their purposes are not at all apparent to him or relevant to his present conscious agenda...given the fact that his powers of observation are extremely limited, as is his awareness. Not to mention his horizons...

4. Now, a particle (which is really a bundle of intelligent energy, formed into an identifiable association which we call a particle) has its own specific intelligent might say, its own destiny...and its own soul. If you split the particle in half, then both halves still carry the original intelligent identity which formed the whole particle. It doesn't matter how far apart you spread those parts, they still belong to one consciousness...the consciousness that brought them into being. That is a non-material and intelligent soul.

5. If you "poke" one of them, therefore, the other one feels it instantly. Why? Because thought "moves" much faster than light...instantaneously, in fact. Because thought is already everywhere, it doesn't actually have to move at all. It's simply there. Always. All ways. It's also "nowhere"...meaning it's now here, but you can't see it or measure it. You could also express that by saying that God is omnipresent, which is true, but the word God offends some people, so let's just call it "thought" then, or "life", or "existence" instead...or manifestation.

Show me anything that isn't manifestation. You can't. If you don't want to call it "God", fine, it's still manifestation...which is why if you believe in anything at all, then you believe (at least partly) in God, as I define God. You can't help but believe in it, according to my definition. This has very little to do with any organized religion, by the way, unless you go into the teachings of the mystic adepts in those various traditions.

6. It was purposeful thought that made the big bang happen. Why? Probably in order to manifest, observe, an experience all the extremely interesting after effects of that event in a 3 dimensional reality, which is what we have around us time...which is the measure of movement through that reality.

7. What is formless, infinite, and eternal might wish to manifest as form, limitation, and temporal manifestation. What is perfect might wish to masquerade as imperfection. What is a single unity might wish to appear as many separate beings and things.

8. Why? Because how can formlessness be understood without the experience of form? How can unlimitedness be grasped without the experience of limitation? How can the one infinite unity observe itself unless it separates into an infinite number of singularities so that it can look at all the aspects of itself from each separate point of view?

9. And there you have it. That's why I would rather talk about what an angel is, rather than count how many of them fit on the head of a particular pin...which is what most "science" does. Compared to what Lao-Tse or Jesus had to teach, most modern science is pretty mundane stuff as far as I'm concerned. Einstein, however, was not mundane at all. He was very well tuned in.

Boy, that was fun. And yes, I'm serious.

- LH