The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #168166   Message #4064531
Posted By: Backwoodsman
17-Jul-20 - 03:14 AM
Thread Name: BS: I am no longer a criminal!
Subject: RE: BS: I am no longer a criminal!
Quite so, Jack. It’s not that cannabis is especially physically addictive (although it is thought to be psychologically addictive), it is the way dealers use it, along with their well-documented manipulative ‘techniques’, in order to lead users - especially young, malleable, and often fearful users - down the road of ever-‘harder’ and, ultimately, more profitable, substances.

I see no worthwhile purpose served by the criminalisation of cannabis consumption or, for that matter, consumption of any of the ‘illegal’ substances. I’m convinced that decriminalisation and the setting up of legal sources of supply for those who choose to use would go a very long way towards winning the ‘war on drugs’, and would remove a great deal of the criminality involved in funding substance-abusers’ habits.