The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #168245   Message #4064834
Posted By: cnd
18-Jul-20 - 07:14 PM
Thread Name: This land is WHOSE land?
Subject: RE: This land is WHOSE land?
To those asking which verses are the "Communist" verses (credible claim or not), the verses were specified by Jeri long ago up-thread (click here to see them--they're italicized)

Though the subject of exactly who subjugated the American Indians is of little importance, I do have to agree with Joe and disagree heavily with Observer's claims; the fact that a string of French-named towns (principally along the East Coast and in Louisiana--both places the French settled early on) does little to change the fact that the French were fairly minor actors in the later settlement of the American West. Additionally, pretending that French treaties with the Indians were going to last significantly longer than American ones is simply foolish. Though the French traded more with the Indians, this was purely from the point of need, any cooperation they had worked purely as a temporary political salve. If the French had won the French and Indian war, then it's silly to assume their pattern of conquering America would have been materially different. And French participation and American allegiance with them in the Revolutionary War had much less to do with territorial expansion than it did with helping the Colonists "stick it" to Britain.

Most people who opposed Manifest Destiny did it for little other reason than limiting the admittance of slave states; it had nothing to do with protecting the Indians, with few exceptions.

Even further off topic, but Bonzo3legs, you may be interested to learn that the British accent originally actually sounded much more Southern than it does presently--linguists say that rural Appalachian accents are the closest modern example to early British accents, and they have even used such mountain accents to read dialogues more authentically.


I think that anyone who fails to see that this song started as a protest song is missing where this song came from and how it was used for a very long time. It may have been used as a catchy song to teach American children patriotism, but that doesn't change the underlying message.