The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #168269   Message #4065692
Posted By: robomatic
24-Jul-20 - 10:50 AM
Thread Name: BS: Siberia on FIRE
Subject: RE: BS: Siberia on FIRE
Don'l I have been nothing but welcoming to you. All I've pointed out (and that only occasionally with the full knowledge that it will not discourage you) is that the 'infantile' aspect of American politics that Mr. Shaw mentions is somewhat related to the infantalizer (sp?).

Your approach to posting is shall we say 'freeform' as to facts, events, your centricity to intimate knowledge of pretty much everything, and the inevitable mispellings, typos and numbers that are not accurate or relevant. Similar to the so-called commander in chief who you allegedly despise, you may in fact quote a lot of stuff that is true, but then you shade the overall effect with some inaccuracy which 'throws all in doubt'.

A lot of your stuff is FUN. A lot of it is randomly perceptive. I can read something of yours and find myself actually thinking. I enjoy your opinions whether or not I agree with 'em, and I often do, when they are presented as the emotionally charged thoughts that they are. BUT, a lot of your stuff is posted as if you expect to be believed down to the numbers and letters. Alas, you leave us hanging there because you are unreliable in that area. Reliably unreliable.

You remind me of what Randy Newman said about New Orleans: "It's a great place to visit but it's not a place to get your car repaired."