The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #168269   Message #4065706
Posted By: Mr Red
24-Jul-20 - 11:52 AM
Thread Name: BS: Siberia on FIRE
Subject: RE: BS: Siberia on FIRE
Earth's climate ain't binary. It has a million factors - I counted (wanna argue?). Each factor is an analogue quantity. Now I have done regression analysis (well Excel did it to be honest) but I got to maybe 10 factors, and some of 'em were to the second degree (x2, y*x2 etc stylee) and there was no way I could encompass the whole of it in one comprehensive view.
The kind of thing where two factors interact and one was not a linear progression.

So consider if you will (all at once, all together) a million factors/combinations/permutations/interactions.

So Donuel's (when taken as a whole, not its constituent bits) schpiel does reflect the complexity thereof. Not that I have enough brain to take it all in in one fell swoop. Better seen as a stream of consciousness. Better by far than any alcohol fueled stream of unconsciousness which I perceive in trolls of this parish.   I wonder - will that get a reaction?