The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #168264   Message #4065865
Posted By: Joe Offer
26-Jul-20 - 12:44 AM
Thread Name: BS: Police violence in Portland Oregon
Subject: RE: BS: Police violence in Portland Oregon
I'm singing with people from Portland tonight. Many have participated in the demonstrations. They say that the demonstrators are about 95% peaceful, and 5% violent troublemakers - and many of the troublemakers come from out of town. Paul Rippey is singing for us from the demonstration.

Would you Portland people agree with this?

Donuel, when you post things, I would suggest merely that you look the information up before posting, and give us your sources of information. You are the absolute worst source of misinformation at Mudcat. You're worse than Trump. You really are. And by far, you are the most prolific US poster in the BS section, maybe even worldwide. Your lies are an embarrassment, and you make intelligent discussion nearly impossible. You're a very likeable person and I think you're a good guy, but I think your misinformation is a real problem here. Post less, and think more. Your opinions are fine, for the most part, but the "facts" you give us are often incorrect or outright lies. So many of the Trump supporters are like that - they cannot separate factual data from opinion. You've be far more welcome here if you took your time, and gave us quality posts instead of quantity.
