The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #168264   Message #4066630
Posted By: Donuel
30-Jul-20 - 06:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: Police violence in Portland Oregon
Subject: RE: BS: Police violence in Portland Oregon
I will now spread misinformtion.
If one repeats what the President of the USA says one would in fact be spreading misinformation so I will repeat that "the protestors are professional anarchists and tare-oar-wrists" DJT

Watching smart phone videos it is clear who the terrorists are.
Also today I was challenged to find Trump boringly utter one true fact about the pandemic.

Even John Meechum said he did not want to sound like an alarmist   but the Constitution does not say who enforces the requirement that the President leaves at noon on January 20th.
Humbly ;^/
I wrote a fictional piece of how a Army private cornered Trump in the kitchen and Donald explained that he was only the look alike...

Should the seargent at arms have that duty, secret service, Supream Court Justice Ginsburg, Mitch McConnel, Pense, Obama, Biden, Barr - no one knows.

I bet this guy
could do it