The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #168322   Message #4066659
Posted By: Irthlingz
31-Jul-20 - 01:38 AM
Thread Name: 'Que culpa tiene el tomate'
Subject: 'Que culpa tiene el tomate'
I think I understand the literal meaning of the lyrics of this folk song, 'Que culpa tiene el tomate' which originated during the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). This version is by a Chilean group:

I have posted the Spanish and my translation here: (There are also some chords and some modern environmentalist lyrics for those who might be interested.)

There are a two things in particular that I'm curious about:

1) In the second half of the first verse, it says that "four rogues" tread on the worker's wife. Does anyone have any idea who these four rogues are?

2) In the first half of the third verse, why do the mine bosses purchase a *Roman* woman to weigh the money they steal from the poor worker?

Thanks for any suggestions on this!
