The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #168264   Message #4066777
Posted By: robomatic
31-Jul-20 - 07:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: Police violence in Portland Oregon
Subject: RE: BS: Police violence in Portland Oregon
I am under the impression that the phenomenon I call 'projecting' has expanded out of all proportion. By this I mean the preacher preaching to the choir gets them all excited by telling them how much the 'other' guy hates them and is plotting against them.

Years ago when we could all go outside and have fun in groups I went to Poor Richard's Faire in the Boston Area. Sort of a Renaissance Fair with jousting and mummers and there was this pair of performers calling themselves mudeaters. They had arranged about a hundred seats with a big aisle down the middle. Each one exhorted his half of the onlookers to hate and despise the other set. So they had each his own cheering section. This took very little time before we were ready to outshout the evil other side of the aisle. It's related to the saying that in a town one lawyer will starve but two will grow fat.

In this case there are thousands of preachers and they all are using the internet and the other side of the aisle can be anywhere in the world wide web.