The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #168264   Message #4066917
Posted By: Amergin
01-Aug-20 - 07:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: Police violence in Portland Oregon
Subject: RE: BS: Police violence in Portland Oregon
When the feds were here, the protests were all peaceful, until the police decided (usually without warning) they weren't. And yes, the ones in the middle of the night are legitimate, not sure why anyone would doubt that. This is a fight that's been in the making for 400 years.

Tear Gas Ted got his photo op, so he could look like he was doing something other than egging the pigs on. There's a new police chief who, himself, choked out a teenage girl at her high school, because she dared not go to detention.

Portland is as liberal as it gets, and the PPB's violent response to anyone questioning their authority only proves it.