The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #168387   Message #4068199
Posted By: Mr Red
13-Aug-20 - 05:18 AM
Thread Name: BS: Fake GPS - a worry
Subject: BS: Fake GPS - a worry
New Yorker article

More serious than Fake News. This is GPS spoofing.

Apparently when Putin goes to appear anywhere any GPS devices within range of his motorcade report a location within a nearby airport. And most commercially available drones have ring-fence software to forbid entry within sensitive locations (military, airport etc). Worse - ships approaching Shanghai have noticed erroneous GPS derived locations. Which if this is cloaking to hide illegal smuggling the Chinese State would know about it, so why is it tolerated? (aka generated thereby?).

SatNav use is going to be annoying, but the criminals have access to the jammers and this kit isn't expensive, relative to the gains. But ships getting lost is a worry, the monstrosities of today take miles to slow down. It is only a matter of time. And ships are required to broadcast their position regularly, so we will know if the cause is this menace. Pirates hijacking is not the worst scenario!