The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31338   Message #407026
Posted By: katlaughing
27-Feb-01 - 03:44 AM
Thread Name: BS: Writers, again - Preferred WP Programs?
Subject: RE: BS: Writers, again - Preferred WP Programs?
Yes, Jon, I think I do, as I was able to open it. So is that the same as Word Perfect, just the MS version, that everyone refers to? The funny thing with it is, the only way I cqan find it to open it is to do a Find "Word" and then it comes up. When I go to Start, Programs, it is not there. Strange...I will figure out and make a shortcut or something.

I just was looking over the Star Office, wow, it certainly does a LOT! I know I'd have a learnign curve, but I am impressed with what it will do, don't know if I really need all of that though.

Thanks, again, Jon.