The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #168490   Message #4071006
Posted By: Donuel
06-Sep-20 - 06:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: What do you think cults have in common?
Subject: RE: BS: What do you think cults have in common?
There are few things as boring as doing multiple relaxation hypnosis inductions every day. To my credit I only fell asleep in the process twice in twenty years. Add CIA stumble Klutzes and the mundane had a touch of action adventure. Perhaps I didn't return thier aptitude and employee questionaires quickly enough so to demonstrate their non complience with any laws they sent in a clean up crew I never saw.
In the process of of collecting the paperwork they disrupted my alert neighbors by ransacking my car and apartment. They had called the local police who didn't even interview me. The neighbors were milling about behind the row of early century manions that were converted to apartments but I didn't feel like explaining the implausible. They came back once more probably since they didn't find anything and after I got a glimpse when I suddenly felt hot and dizzy and hit the floor. I don't know what it was, but it felt like intense microwaves through the picture window. So much for excitement which is bound to arise in any occupation over time.
Overall it was like discovering as a kid that your parents are not the mature paragons of expertise you thought they were.
All the senseless investigations aside I could see society operates on invented plots and stories more than the truth.