The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #168490   Message #4071132
Posted By: Bill D
07-Sep-20 - 08:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: What do you think cults have in common?
Subject: RE: BS: What do you think cults have in common?
Late to the party, but I do have a couple of thoughts.

1) There's a lot of 'equivocation' in some folks' descriptions. The word is useful because it is needed to distinguish some supposed religious groups from 'established religions'.
Some of the equivocation happens when it is applied to groups that are not actually based on religious ideas. ..i.e. Trumpites.

2)Several people here have pretty well listed the usual things about supposed religious groups that get so much negative press.. abuse, centering one one or two 'leaders', central control of finances...etc. It makes little sense to label religious groups of centuries standing..even smaller ones.. as cults unless they also fit the narrower definition(s). Can't think of a good example right now. Maybe those who pretend to be Druids would fit... *shrug*

3) One thing they DO have in common is that they don't have me as a member.

I do know (at least I did in college) a woman who began as an artist, switched to architecture,then to Permaculture... then joined a strange group in Texas which did vaguely Druid-like rituals based on 'harmony with the Earth' and titles like 'princess'. I can't find that link right now, but it feels like a cult without all the negative trimmings.