The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #168490   Message #4071143
Posted By: Donuel
07-Sep-20 - 10:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: What do you think cults have in common?
Subject: RE: BS: What do you think cults have in common?
Gurdjieff comes to mind and was more of a philosopher, musician and time manager Bill. Too bad Islam did not take up his Sufi path.
Instead of prayers around te clock there was just a moment to STOP and self reflect on what one is doing and why.

I tried my hand at deprograming cult members when I was young.
First it is almost impossible to find them. Leaving that in the hands of parents never worked and if you could find them it was really hard to gain initial cooperation. I found the path of least resistance was to invite them home to teach the cult ways, love and practices to thier family with a freedom the family must adopt. In a couple weeks things worked out as often as not.

The hold on cult members can be extreme. In California cult followers cut off thier own genitals prior to commiting suicide, to catch a free ride on a comet.
I see what Trump is doing with mask aversion in a pandemic is a Jim Jones type teaching that actually kills people.