The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #168402   Message #4071314
Posted By: rich-joy
09-Sep-20 - 09:03 AM
Thread Name: Mudcat Australia-New Zealand Songbook
Subject: RE: Rise Up Mudcat Songbook - Australia
Mysha's earlier question re if there will be a separate "edition" for Kiwi material, wasn't really answered and I've just come across typed words for one of me EnZed faves, so here goes :

PACKING MY THINGS ~ Phil Colquhoun

When first to this country I came [when I came and took up my claim]
Well, Bill Muggins was me name
And though I’m a young man and able
Here am I stuck rocking the cradle
- And that’s a Bill Muggins game.

But I’m awake up – I will break up
I’m never more going to roam
I've panned in my dugout with never a nugget
I’m packing my things to go home.

I’ve hunted Otago for gold
In the wind and the rain and the cold
And I’ve holed up all winter all under the snow
All along the winding Molyneux
- And that is where you need to have holed!

But I’m awake up – I will break up
I’m never more going to roam
I've panned in my dugout with never a nugget
I’m packing my things to go home.

In those shanties where you spin
Away all your hard-earned tin
Nancy’s smiles are so beguiling
That’s why Nancy is always smiling!
- Landlord says he’s not taking you in.

But I’m awake up – I will break up
I’m never more going to roam
I‘ve panned in my dugout with never a nugget
I’m packing my things to go home.

I almost gave up hope of finding many Kiwi folk songs on YT until I thought to plug in "Phil Garland"!
So here is his version :

Cheers, R-J