The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #168402   Message #4071392
Posted By: rich-joy
09-Sep-20 - 11:45 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat Australia-New Zealand Songbook
Subject: RE: Rise Up Mudcat Songbook - Australia
Thanks for that extraordinary Wave Hill news, Stew; I've been off the news radar for a few days!

And speaking of Jeannie Gunn, do you have the lyrics/recording to Bob Sharp(?)'s 'Boss Lady'???
I'm having great trouble dredging the singer/songwriter names and songs from my aging memory (and it could be that the continual post-midnight bedtimes and poor diet, are not assisting me?! :(

I noted "The Streets of Forbes" posted above and have "The Death of Ben Hall" ready here - but I wanted Tony Lavin's excellent recording to go with it. Haven't found it on YT and Andy Irvine's is just not quite what I wanted.
I think Tony's was on "Glenrowan to the Gulf" (Wild Colonial Boys), but I no longer have that LP.

I hafta opine that SO MUCH much good earlier Folkie material - esp the HUGE swag of LPs and tapes from 70s-90s - is missing from the Internet, whilst the dross increases by the minute (or am I being too unkind?!)

OK, gotta go and werk.
Cheers, R-J