The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #168402   Message #4071705
Posted By: rich-joy
13-Sep-20 - 02:49 AM
Thread Name: Mudcat Australia-New Zealand Songbook
Subject: RE: Rise Up Mudcat Songbook - Australia

1.        Life was spartan in England years after the war
Few jobs, low wages, prospects were poor
No better in Scotland or Ireland too
Uncle Jim emigrated so we joined the queue
It was life on the prairies or in old Sydney town
Dunedin was mentioned, with a worrisome frown
Nine families, one bathroom, it was not hard to choose
Except for the day they told their parents the news.

When the Rangitiki, Rangitane, Rangitata sailed upon the seas
They carried troops in the war, then took migrants to the colonies                                                                                                   
The commonwealth of nations welcomed them with open arms                                                                           
They brought teachers and tradesmen and laborers to work the farms.

2.        My dad said “they’ll take us if we’re breathing and warm.”
There was ice on the windows, it was a terrible storm
He had one small piece of paper to say who we were
Paid five english pounds for the seagoing fare
We all got vaccinations and smallpox scars
Stayed with auntie in London, saw the changing of the guard
She drove us to Tilbury on a drizzly day
With sad music playing, we sailed away.

When the Rangitiki, Rangitane, Rangitata sailed upon the seas                                                                                                                                                
They carried troops in the war, then took migrants to the colonies
The commonwealth of nations welcomed them with open arms
They brought teachers and tradesmen and laborers to work the farms.

   People in the new land helped put us at our ease
   They made fun of our accents but no-one called us refugees
   Yet we sought asylum in our modest anglo-saxon way
   Now one in four is born somewhere else, or so they say,

3.        There are pictures of her children hanging on the wall
Wearing academic gowns, standing proud and tall
Some have been to England, some have been to France
One moved to Manitoba, a refugee romance
Sometimes with her family gathered all around
She thinks of what we got for those five english pounds
We work and we save and we give what we can
To those seeking refuge from their troubled lands.

   We work and we save and we give what we can
   To refugees from Sri Lanka and Afghanistan
   From Burma, Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan, (spoken)

When the Rangitiki, Rangitane, Rangitata sailed upon the seas,
When the Rangitiki, Rangitane, Rangitata sailed upon the seas,
When the Rangitiki, Rangitane, Rangitata sailed upon the seas.

Here is the link to The Goodwills YT presentation of this song :

And here is Bob's Blog where he explains the background story :

This track is from their latest CD "The Last Waterhole" and their previous recording "Loungeroom Legends", has another great favourite of mine : "Impressions of New Zealand" - a companion migrant song to this one. Watch their YT presentation :

Bob Wilson [The Goodwills] is a lovely songwriter and The Goodwills (now of Warwick, Qld) have 4 CDs , which contain mostly Bob's originals. He paints great pictures with his words and gentle humour.

Cheers, R-J