The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #168402   Message #4073413
Posted By: Stewie
28-Sep-20 - 12:26 AM
Thread Name: Mudcat Australia-New Zealand Songbook
Subject: RE: Rise Up Mudcat Songbook - Australia
(Don Henderson)

Have you ever had the feeling, being introduced to someone
You think that you’ve already met
But you really can’t be certain, 'cause the names aren't familiar
But there’s something about the face you can’t forget
And it turns out that really, after quite a bit of talking
You went to kindergarten and such
And the people that surround you, there’s only sixteen million
And sixteen million people isn’t much

Well you walk into a bar and a bloke says, 'G’day Charlie'
And you tell him that Charlie’s not yer name
And he says that he is sorry but he thought yer name was Charlie
But he reckons that he knows yer just the same
And it turns out that his sister’s married to your uncle’s second cousin
Yes, of course now he remembers you
You were seated four rows down at the table in a grey suit
At the wedding in nineteen fifty-two

Well, you’re at the country-dance and you’re dancin’ with a stranger
To tell the truth you wouldn’t know from Eve
But with faint heart and all that stuff you say, 'aven’t we met somewhere?'
And she says, 'Why yes! I do believe'
And it turned out that once you were on a train to Brisbane
And it didn’t have a dining car, don’t cry
And she was the waitress at South Grafton Station
And you ordered black coffee and a pie.

Well, you are in the one horse town and the horse has long since bolted
There’s nothing but a hotel and a jail
And a copper and a publican and a liver-coloured kelpie
And the dog comes up to you and wags his tail
Now it turns out that really the dog’s never met yer
Just thought that he’d come over and say hi!
But the copper and the publican, they reckon they both know yer
But they didn’t want to say so, they were shy

Another one that Danny recorded on his 'Emerging Tradition' CD. Danny's note:

I remember falling about myself when I first heard Don Henderson sing this at the Troubadour in Sydney when Australia only had sixteen million population. The experience of being mistaken for someone else might be common enough, but Don's exquisite sense of humour and imagination suggests endless possibilities.

This is the only rendition I could find on the Net:

Youtube clip
