The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #168402   Message #4074241
Posted By: rich-joy
04-Oct-20 - 12:25 AM
Thread Name: Mudcat Australia-New Zealand Songbook
Subject: RE: Rise Up Mudcat Songbook - Australia
Albany Emigrants

Trad, arr. Ferguson & Roche

We sailed from Cork on a windy day, with a dark and a cloudy sky
Our friends were standing on the quay, the women stood and cried
But we were young and out for fun and the riches we could find
So lift your glass and drink a toast to the girls we’ll leave behind.

Oh Paddy dear, drink up your beer, we're leaving in the morn
Aboard the ship, the Alice Grey - for West Australia, Round the Horn.

Our brother Jack was a sailor man, with the Black Ball Line
He jumped his ship in Albany and now he's doing fine
And the letter that he wrote to us said “come out and join me here”
So we're off to Albany in the morn without a doubt or fear.

Jack has a farm near Albany with livestock by the score
He says the trees near touch the sky, King Karri, so we're told
And sailing ships arrive each day with diggers off for gold
And a hundred whales are plainly seen to frolic in the Sound.

And now we're under way me boys, the ship's bell loudly sounds
The quay is now well out of sight and we are seaward bound
And as we round Passage West the good ship gives full sail
And a parting glass to Erin's Isle from the swaying ship-deck rail.

Another top little number from The Settlers 1979 LP for West Aussie’s sesquicentennial celebrations.

Here is their rendering :

“West Australia, Round the Horn” here refers to the southern most tip of WA - Cape Leeuwin - which has something of a reputation and was known to early sailors as the “Cape Horn of Australia”.

Cheers, R-J