The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107893   Message #4077103
Posted By: Monique
28-Oct-20 - 10:47 AM
Thread Name: Origins: La Fille d'un Avocat/I Went to the Market
Subject: RE: Origins: La Fille d'un Avocat/I Went to the Market
Here is an old one collected in 1605, so must be from the 16th century. Some old words and old spelling!
Mon père m'a donnée (chanson à danser)
Extrait des : Airs de Cour comprenans le trésor des trésors, la fleur des fleurs et eslite des chansons amoureuses, extraites des œuvres non encore cy devant mises en lumière des plus fameux et renomez poètes de ce siècle – à Poitiers par Pierre Brossart - 1607

Mon père m'a donnée à un jeune avocat
La première nuitée qu'avec moi il coucha la la

Courage, courage ma fille
Non tu n'en mourras pas

La première nuitée qu'avec moi il coucha,
Il me vint sans parler frapper de son matelats*

Il me vint sans parler frapper de son matelats
Je me prins à crier, venez à mon trépas

Je me prins à crier, venez à mon trépas
Ma mère oyant ma plainte, vint qui me consola

Ma mère oyant ma plainte, vint qui me consola
Me disant n'ayes crainte, non tu n'en mourras pas

Me disant n'ayes crainte, non tu n'en mourras pas
Car j'estais de ta sorte quand on me fit cela

Car j'estais de ta sorte quand on me fit cela
Et si j'en fusse morte tu ne serais pas la

Et si j'en fusse morte tu ne serais pas la
Au sort si tu y meurs, enterrée tu seras

Au sort si tu y meurs, enterrée tu seras
Et avec force pleurs, Las ! On te portera

Et avec force pleurs, Las ! On te portera
Au plus haut de la ville ton sepulchre sera

Au plus haut de la ville ton sepulchre sera
Et par un homme habille ces mots on gravera

Et par un homme habille ces mots on gravera
Cy gist la jeune fille qui mourut de cela

Cy gist la jeune fille qui mourut de cela
Ça été la première, la dernière sera.
My Father Gave me Off (song to dance)
Extract from: Airs de Cour including the treasure of treasures, the flower of flowers and elite amorous songs, extracted from works not yet highlighted by the most famous and renowned poets of this century - in Poitiers by Pierre Brossart - 1607

My father gave me off to a young lawyer.
The first night he slept with me,

Hold on, hold on, daughter
No you won't die of it.

The first night he slept with me,
He came without speaking to knock me with his mattress

He came without speaking to knock me with his mattress
I began to cry, "Come to my demise!"

I began to cry, "Come to my demise!"
My mother hearing my complaint, came and consoled me

My mother hearing my complaint, came and consoled me
Telling me, "Don't be afraid, no you won't die of it

Telling me, "Don't be afraid, no you won't die of it
Cause I was like you when they did this to me

Cause I was like you when they did this to me
And if I had died you wouldn't be here

And if I had died you wouldn't be here.
At worst, if you die, you will be buried,

At worst, if you die, you will be buried,
And with a lot of tears, alas! we will carry you.

And with a lot of tears, alas! we will carry you.
At the top of the city your sepulcher will be

At the top of the city your sepulcher will be
And by a skilled man these words will be engraved

And by a skilled man these words will be engraved
"Here lies the girl who died of that,

Here lies the girl who died of that,
She's been the first, the last she will be."
I suppose the mattress is the padded codpiece men would use at that time and that looked like a cushion!