The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #168402   Message #4077987
Posted By: Sandra in Sydney
03-Nov-20 - 03:55 AM
Thread Name: Mudcat Australia-New Zealand Songbook
Subject: RE: Rise Up Mudcat Songbook - Australia
When the coal blew away © Maurie Mulheron 1996

    Do you know how heavy the winds blow here?
    His smile was rising from ear to ear
    The old miner sat back, he'd a story that day
    About the time on the coast when the coal blew away

    All the mines around Bulli and further away
    Were being worked each week for only two to three days
    Just enough to stop them from getting the dole
    While the mine-owners secretly stockpiled the coal

    The winds were so heavy on the coast that day
    The winds were so heavy that the coal blew away!

    So the miners formed a strong picket line
    To try and stop the coal from leaving the mine
    From Sydney they trucked in the scabs each day
    With police on guard to keep the miners at bay

    With scabs loading coal by the railway track
    The miners stepped forward, the mood blacker than black
    The sergeant stood between them with a gun and a sneer
    I'll shoot the first Commie who tries to interfere!

    The winds were so heavy on the coast that day
    The winds were so heavy that the coal blew away!

    A fifty ton load was sent on its way
    Scheduled for Sydney the very next day
    The miners withdrew, full of anger, despair
    No victory this time, no hope in the air

    The train slowed down just near Waterfall
    The guard heard laughter and this is what he saw
    From a wagon some miners jumped onto the track
    With shovels, grins and faces smeared black

    The winds were so heavy on the coast that day
    The winds were so heavy that the coal blew away!

    With his lantern he searched up and down the train
    No coal could be seen, he searched in vain
    And the headlines in the paper read the very next day
    The winds were so heavy, the coal blew away!

    Now as you listen to my story today
    You might think it strange that coal could blow away
    But the miners with their shovels in the wagon that night
    Swear it is true and I reckon they're right

    The winds were so heavy on the coast that day
    The winds were so heavy that the coal blew away!

    Maurie Mulheron writes
    "Great true story about a union victory down here in the Illawarra that occurred in September 1938 at the Old Corn Beef Mine. The story is told in the song. After the scabs had loaded the coal, 8 miners stowed away on the train and spent the next couple of hours shovelling out the scab coal onto the track as the train headed north to Sydney. The next day, when the police investigated, the Miners Federation explained to them that they knew nothing about the missing coal. By way of explanation, the union suggested that it could have been the heavy winds that had blown the night before! The "Bulli Times" ran a headline: "THE COAL THAT BLEW AWAY". By the way, after the coal had been shovelled off the train by the 'stowaway' miners, the Detective-Sergeant raced down to Thirroul the next day to interview the miners. An astute fellow, he visited Arthur McDonald, one of the miners. "Don't insult my intelligence," said the policeman, "by trying to make me believe that the bloody wind on the South Coast blew all that coal away. We think you bastards did it."

    Thanks to Maurie Mulheron for permission to use this song. Maurie is the author of One Word We a play about the life of Pete Seeger