The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #168829   Message #4078179
Posted By: John MacKenzie
04-Nov-20 - 05:49 AM
Thread Name: folk club rooms i have dwelt in
Subject: RE: folk club rooms i have dwelt in
I just remembered The Dungeon Folk club, which took place in a pub called The Copper, in Tower Bridge Road. It was run by Ian Grant BBC producer, of Country Meets Folk, and Cliff Aungier. Anyway, the club was in a downstairs room, which had cells, surrounded by iron bars, and there was another wee room down a short flight of steps, all stonework, and gloom. Altogether a weird spooky venue. I can remember Ron Geesin doing an evening there, where he used the wee downstairs bit as part of a piece he had written especially for the venue, and at one point, he shot down there singing, and banging a pot lid on the floor. Ron was a unique performer, and you need to have seen him, to understand.