Men get the blues, women see red
Men get the blues, women see red
They'll go a long way just to cut you dead
It's not what you thought, it's about what you said
Not what you do, it's what's in your head
Men stick to subject, women seldom do
What you know for a fact, ends up not being true
A different species, not a different point of view
While you're talking on the subject, she's talking about you
Men don't remember, women never forget
Those throwaway remarks, you'll learn to regret
Though built in clay, now in stone are set
Becomes stored dynamite and it's starting to sweat
Men get mad, women get even
Think you've got away with your deceiving?
Listens to your story, appears to be believing
When she's packed your bags and you're already leaving
Men know what they're saying, women know what men mean
It's one or the other, nowhere in between
They know where you're going and know where you've been
The all knowing, all seeing, all feeling female machine
Men learn to fight, women just know it
Brave warriors true, though they might not show it
Never strike above the belt but always below it
They choose the blows well, while men just 'blow it'
Men see a battle, women know it's a war
Know the terms of engagement and lay down the law
They're linesman and judge and they're keeping the score
We know we are beaten, ……….but still come back for more?
Roger Gall 2001