The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #168875   Message #4079755
Posted By: Bill D
15-Nov-20 - 08:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: A person of color and a colored person
Subject: RE: BS: A person of color and a colored person
I am an *American*.. I am also a former Kansan and a current Marylander. I am also a resident of Wheaton... which is merely a convenient designation of one area of Silver Spring.
   It makes little difference unless I am identifying as one level or another for political, sports or legal I.D. purposes. I no longer care to associate myself with some aspects of politics and culture in Kansas, but that is where I spent most of the first part of my life.
   No matter the context, I will always be an American. There are similar levels in almost every country. I mean no disrespect to anyone if I use 'Brit' as convenient short form... as 90% of my remote ancestry is British.