The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #6908   Message #40813
Posted By:
07-Oct-98 - 11:16 PM
Thread Name: Donate to the Mudcat, Please.
Subject: Donate to the Mudcat, Please.
This last crash started me thinking about this lovely treasure that we all benefit greatly from. For the four days that I couldna get on The Cat, I was very afraid that the expense had finally gotten to be too much, and necessity had caused us to lose it. Folks, this is an unsolicited appeal to those of us who get such enjoyment, and benefit from this site to support it. The Mudcat (and Max, Dick, Susan) had no idea that I was going to do this. I checked back and found that the two times before that this has been tried, a total has been raised of $1100. I firmly believe if just the people that I communicate with regularly would send a donation of $52.00 (US) ($1.00 per week US) we could raise that much. I am sending a donation out this week. Please join me and do the right thing. We all use this, but the cost is being borne by Max et al while we enjoy the fruits. No matter where in the world you are, please, send a donation to the Mudcat. The address is as follows:

The Mudcat Cafe 1541 N. Bailey Rd. Downington, PA 19335. USA

Thanks, and all the best,

Big Mick Lane Gun Lake, Michigan