The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #168430   Message #4081612
Posted By: The Sandman
02-Dec-20 - 04:09 AM
Thread Name: BS: Brexit & other UK political topics
Subject: RE: BS: Brexit & other UK political topics
they spout freedom of choice not to wear a mask they are not asking to shit on the pavement,
now i do not mind them not wearing a mask if they keep their distance, but people who wear a mask but come close and touch me imo are more dangerous., particularly ironic as he was trying to get to the hand sanitiser
as for you mooning ,
you dont have the figure for it and as for shitting on the pavement it is against the law.
this is the situation in ireland
When must I wear a face covering?
Public transport

You must wear a face covering while using public transport.

If you have a reasonable excuse to not wear a face covering, you should tell the driver or inspector. Read ‘Exceptions’ below for information on reasonable excuses.

Drivers of a public transport vehicle do not have to wear a face covering if they are:

    Alone in a compartment
    Separated from passengers by a screen
    In the vehicle but there are no passengers getting on or off
the people who were demonstrating against wearing a mask were outside.
that is not breaking the law however if they were demonstrating but not social distancing that is different,
but spb insisting that they should be told to self isolate is behaving in a totalitarian manner
he knows nothing about them but assumes they are working and have children.
meanwhile schools remain open in the uk and it is not compulsory to wear masks
Schools and colleges will have the discretion to require face coverings in indoor communal areas where social distancing cannot be safely managed if they believe that it is right in their particular circumstances
why are schools open ,
bloody stupid, they could catch up with their education with a extra months ion the summer , which would mean that by then vaccination would have been rolled out. meanwhile schoolteachers are being put at risk