The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #168402   Message #4082537
Posted By: rich-joy
08-Dec-20 - 11:52 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat Australia-New Zealand Songbook
Subject: RE: Rise Up Mudcat Songbook - Australia
The Volunteers: a ballad

(Words only; no tune indicated)


The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (8 April 1804), 3

When menac'd with civil commotion and noise
Shall Britons inactively slumber?
Then away to the field, the bright musket to poise,
With courage, regardless of number.

With patriot firmness the laws we'll maintain;
With spirit and vigor we'll brave the campaign;
Our women and children relinquish their fears,
And trust to the prowess of bold Volunteers.

Should France, in her fondness for places abroad
E'er honor our Coast with a visit,
Before on the soil many moments they've trod
They'll find our politeness exquisite.

With a Marseillois dirge, or a Carmagnel dance
To the music of musquetry let them advance
But dreadful the musars will be to their ears
Struck up by the phalanx of firm Volunteers.

Should sordid Mynheer foreign conquest pursue,
And fly from his DAMS to assist us,
Our RED COATS, supporting the Volunteer BLUE,
With good hearts and flints cannot fail us.

No jarring contention those hearts shall divide,
But Britain's blest Genius o'er Britons preside
And the Foes of our MONARCH retreating in tears
Shall fly from the ardour of bold Volunteers.

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