The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #168402   Message #4083481
Posted By: Stewie
14-Dec-20 - 08:02 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat Australia-New Zealand Songbook
Subject: RE: Rise Up Mudcat Songbook - Australia
(Phil Garland)

So long Kevin Kiwi, your life was not in vain
You are our country's emblem so your memory will remain
When I heard your mates were dying, it was so hard to believe
What can we do to help prevent a huge catastrophe

Pass the hat around amongst family and friends
It's time to work together before this story ends
Every contribution helps our little spotted mate
The gift of life is something we can all appreciate

The kiwi is a special bird - although he cannot fly
The sporting logo he inspires is truly flying high.
Kevin needs protection, it's time to make a stand
We must learn to play our part and lend a helping hand

The bush is almost silent where Kevin once roamed free
How will our kids identify a bird they've never seen
Possums, stoats and weasels may seem cute and small
Send them back where they belong, we don't want them here at all

Wake up New Zealand before it gets too late
If we want to save our kiwis, we must learn to shut the gate
Keep your family pets inside. don't ever let them roam
If we want Kevin to survive, then training starts at home

Youtube clip

This is from Phil's 1998 album 'A Sense of Place'. Since that time there has been some success in protecting the kiwi with 2 of the 5 species downlisted from 'endangered' to 'vulnerable'.
