The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169029   Message #4084248
Posted By: John MacKenzie
20-Dec-20 - 06:27 AM
Thread Name: Johnny Silvo and Denny Wright
Subject: RE: Johnny Silvo and Denny Wright
Happy daze Graham. I saw Diz many times at Surbiton, I was a regular there, but we didn't coincide, sadly. Some great nights there, with Jan on the door, Michael Balfour propping up the bar. I remember Mac, who sadly died young from a heart attack, and Paddy who played concertina. We had some good times.
We did a Folkweave recording from there, with all the regulars, including myself, and Hector Gilchrist, and I have the tape which Derek gave me. I recently digitised it, and it's held up well.