The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124280   Message #4084653
Posted By: GUEST,Don Meixner
22-Dec-20 - 10:06 PM
Thread Name: Thoughts on Si Kahn's songs
Subject: RE: Thoughts on Si Kahn's songs
I will tell you a Si Kahn story. Not to try and one up Oombanjo's story from years ago but to support him in what a decent guy is Si Kahn.

"Live at The Ten Pound Fiddle" was an NPR radio show that I listened to every Saturday nite from WRVO, the Oswego NY affiliate because it was repeated the next day at noon. Si Kahn was a guest that one evening and he did his newest song, Molly In The Mill, which I was just taken by. A perfect story in simple verses. The next day I heard it again. That night at a folk club meeting I mentioned the song and Si Kahn to my friend the late Don Austin. At the next club meeting he handed me an envelope with a single sheet of lyrics to Molly in The Mill typed, typed, on typewriter paper and signed by Si Kahn.

Don was dating a woman in one of the Carolinas and she was the neighbor of Si Kahn. Don had heard the name from his girlfriend but wasn't aware of who Si Kahn was. Don visited his girl the following weekend apparently asked Si over the fence if there was recording available and was told it hadn't even been published yet. And then he said I can give you the lyrics tho'. So Don Austin walked into Si Kahn's study where he rolled a piece of paper into a manual typewriter and poured forth the lyrics to Molly.

I recreated as best as I could the melody I recalled and have done it that way for 35 years or more. Si Kahn has since recorded Molly In The Mill but I have never heard it. I met Si when he was touring with Susan Freundlich and "People Like You." I told him the story and he said He recalled the event and was happy I like his songs. He offered to do the song after the show for me if I had a recorder. I didn't.

About the only time I have ever met one of my heroes and not been disappointed.

Don Meixner