The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #168402   Message #4085639
Posted By: rich-joy
30-Dec-20 - 05:01 AM
Thread Name: Mudcat Australia-New Zealand Songbook
Subject: RE: Rise Up Mudcat Songbook - Australia
More Music of the Atomic Age:

Possibly the saddest 14+ minutes you can spend, is to watch and listen to the following presentation on YouTube by Japanese artist, Isao Hashimoto – the soundtrack representing 2,053 of the nuclear explosions over our World from 1945 to 1998 and therefore of the destruction of parts of the Earth and inhabitants - in one form or another.   Very sobering.    This version has a music composition overlaid, by Andrews Wax :

A reminder here that Sandra posted Eric Bogle’s “When the Wind Blows” on Sept 18th. This song was based on Raymond Briggs’ 1982 graphic novel of the same name, which, as he said, was “a chilling little book” :

Meanwhile, Paul Lawler, in Darwin, wrote this number for his folk-rock band, “Gutter Press”. It is, however, yet to be digitised and posted to his channel.


Paul Lawler, May1983 ©

Nuclear fission, provoked a decision
To find out why I had no emission.

I was given permission to see a physician
Who told me I should stop all coition.

Exit creation, no ejaculation
Radiations, yield mutation.

With trepidation, I applied embrocation
And tried to stop this ulceration.

Contamination, incarceration
Expectation – castration.

Amputation, desolation
Causation – detonation.

~ Paul Lawler ~

Some Industry and Govt hype infers that we’re naïve to worry overly much about the ongoing and unsolved problem of nuclear waste; that it’s just not as dangerous to the planet and inhabitants as many have made out.
But, we’ve trusted Them before, eh…………… :(

Anyway, here is what France is trying, underneath the town of Bure :
(and SONGS, STORIES, and ART may all have a part to play!)