The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #168014   Message #4086040
Posted By: Joe Offer
01-Jan-21 - 01:54 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat Worldwide Singaround-On Zoom Mondays!
Subject: RE: Mudcat Worldwide Singaround - On Zoom Mondays
Happy New Year, Everyone!
Our next Mudcat Worldwide Singaround is Monday, January 4. It starts at 8 PM London time, 3 PM in New York, and noon in Los Angeles. People in the rest of the world are smart and can figure out the time for themselves, but I do know that we're on Tuesday morning in Australia and New Zealand.
Doors open for cocktails and conversation half an hour before, and we start singing on the hour. We sing for about 5 hours, giving everyone the chance to sing two songs.
Hope you can join us.
I emailed the invitation just now, and I'll post it here a couple of hours before the singaround. I change the link every week to try to avoid evil zoombombers.

Wendy, if the email address is correct on your Mudcat registration, you should be on the email list and should have received an email.

for people who didn't get an email, you can join the list by emailing