The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169109   Message #4086334
Posted By: Richard Mellish
03-Jan-21 - 05:56 PM
Thread Name: Wassail a quince tree?
Subject: Wassail a quince tree?
I have a quince tree (not one of the ornamental shrubs but a proper tree, now well over 2 metres high) which flowers very well but produces few fruit; at best about a dozen quinces some years, some years none at all. I have tried hand pollinating, but it hasn't helped.

In discussion with a friend we have come up with the idea of wassailing (or yowling) my tree.

Will the magic that is designed for apple trees work on a quince tree?

What libation would be best? Would cider do, or would a drink made from the wrong kind of tree have a negative effect?

Would Old Twelfth Night, 17th January, be the best date?

All suggestions welcome!