The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154176   Message #4086469
Posted By: Bill D
04-Jan-21 - 04:14 PM
Thread Name: Reading Lyrics vs Memorization
Subject: RE: Reading Lyrics vs Memorization
I've said many times... in person, and maybe in Mudcat on other threads, that I understand the desire to 'get the words right' when singing...especially if you are reviving something not done recently.
   The problem is, many people simply cannot focus correctly and follow the words on the page... which leads to awkward pauses and breaks in the rhythm. The point of singing at all is not just to be 'onstage', but to present a song in and enjoyable way.
   If you know the song.. both tune and words... reasonably well and merely need a reminder, just in case... fine. *IF* I can close my eyes and not tell whether someone is using notes, I am okay with it. I will sometimes make a small note card with the 1st words of lines jotted down.. but I will NOT plow into a song that I barely know and mumble thru it, just because it is an interesting find on a certain topic.
On FSGW's recent ZOOM Getaway, a couple of people, determined to be in every session, actually read *at* songs they had just written... one that very morning. They really didn't even have a clear tune worked out. Tedious!

I am content to sing only what I am really ready to sing.. even with a few glances at notes.