The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #168402   Message #4089045
Posted By: rich-joy
21-Jan-21 - 04:34 AM
Thread Name: Mudcat Australia-New Zealand Songbook
Subject: RE: Rise Up Mudcat Songbook - Australia

Wendy Evans / trad

Lock the gate and turn the key
Farewell, liberty!
Massive walls close in on me
Convicted to Fremantle.

But I’ve got a Ticket-of-Leave, man, I go to build the state
To work for West Australia, to work to make her great
I’ll go to bridge the rivers and to carve the highways straight
A second chance, or I will dance the rope that still awaits.

But I’ve got a Ticket-of-Leave, man, I’ll go to work the land
To build West Australia, to work to make her grand
I’ll fence the open paddocks and I’ll build her wells and gates
And if I slip, I’ll feel the whip that in Fremantle waits.

But I’ve got a Ticket-of-Leave, man, to go to build a town
To show West Australia’s The Colony to crown
I’ll earn my right to pardon, I’ll work to walk here free
For if I fail, I know the gaol that I built will claim me.

But I’ve got a Ticket-of-Leave, man, I’ve suffered for my crime
I’ve seen the hell of transport ships and bowed ’neath cat o’ nine
I’ve earned the right to freedom and a new life I can find
And I will earn the right to spurn the gaol I’ve left behind.

Lock the gate and turn the key
Good day, liberty!
Massive walls now set me free
It’s Farewell to Fremantle.

Another song from the 1979 Bi-Centenary recording project “Bound for Western Australia” by poet, Wendy Evans and musicians, The Settlers (Alan S. Ferguson & Sean Roche).

I have not found this track online and just hope that one day, someone will upload the whole excellent LP to the internet.

My maternal Great Grandfather, George Sidney, was one who was “Convicted to Fremantle” and he arrived as a young man in 1866 on the Corona. He gained his “Ticket-of-Leave” in 1868 and worked around the Colony, gaining his freedom in 1871 –
but, battled the ‘demon drink’ in his family life. His eldest ‘Currency Lass’ daughter, Annie, also spent time in prison as a young woman - she was apparently too independently-minded for her own good (which, let’s be honest here, is not a trait that’s fully approved of, even in these ‘enlightened’ times!! :)

West Aussie only received convicts from 1850 (as transportation was winding down in the rest of Australia), until 1868 – the Landed Gentry had pleaded for free labour for the public works necessary in the new Colony.   It was agreed that only “quality” convicts would be sent (with NO women and NO politicos), but before too long, the British Govt (which, by this time, had nowhere else in the world to shunt their riff-raff), were clearing their prisons of rapists and murderers and other violent offenders. Plus, after almost 10, 000 convicts sent, they included 62 Fenians on the very last ship!***

I should stress here, that my literate Brummie rellie was merely a two-time burglar (but with no violence)!! Though I am quite chuffed to “have a Convict in the Family”, prior to my generation, this was still considered “a stain” and was hidden and never discussed….. though unusually, my Mum (another independently-minded woman) really loved the idea!

So as sung about in the above song, here are some clips about Freo Prison (aka “The Convict Establishment”) built by convicts in the 1850s with myriad 4ft x 7ft cells ….. and now World Heritage-listed!! The walls of this penitentiary are still be-set with broken glass (plus razor wire), and it was modelled on the famous Pentonville in London. It was in continual use until 1991 – and with very few improvements to the living conditions!! So I can understand why there was a massive riot and fire in 1988!

Take a squizz with these short clips :    WAWeekender show    We don’t get enough Blues music on this Folk & Blues Forum (IMHO :), so the score for this clip is the magnificent CHAIN (lead vocals, Matt Taylor), with “Black & Blue” – ENJOY!


Barry Harvey, Phil Manning, Barry Sullivan and Matt Taylor (CHAIN)

You work me so hard that my back’s near broke (we’re groaning)
My brow is wet and my throat’s a-choke (we’re groaning)
You sent me here for ten long years (we’re groaning)
And I miss my whiskey and I miss my beers (we’re groaning)
Ain't seen a girl since I don’t know when (we’re groaning)
And the way you treat me won’t see one again (we’re groaning
Your water stinks ’cause it comes from a bog (we’re groaning)
And that slop you feed us ain't fit for a dog (we’re groaning)

You can beat me and try to break me but still I’ll spit at you
You’ll never break my spirit even when my body's Black and Blue

Well in my arm there’s a dreadful pain (we’re groaning)
It’s hard digging ditches with a ball and chain (we’re groaning)
You send me here for ten long years (we’re groaning)
I miss my whisky and I miss my beers (we’re groaning)
You broke my head cause I spat on a guard (we’re groaning)
It don’t make me no better, it just makes me hard (we’re groaning)

You can beat me and try to break me but still I’ll spit at you
You’ll never break my spirit even when my body's Black and Blue


*** Eventually most were pardoned except for six “military’ Fenians – but they escaped on The Catalpa in 1876 - [see the song “The Catalpa” on 27Sept in this thread]