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Thread #168430   Message #4089447
Posted By: Backwoodsman
23-Jan-21 - 07:09 AM
Thread Name: BS: Brexit & other UK political topics
Subject: RE: BS: Brexit & other UK political topics
I’ll take your word on that, Bonz - I’ve been retired from the Accounting world for nine years, so I’m out of touch and only have hearsay from my former international colleagues to go by.

But, of course, I was talking more specifically about the problems of logistics, movement of goods, etc. There’s no doubt that, prior to the end of December, and despite that fat buffoon with no dress-sense and the world’s worst haircut telling businesses to ‘prepare for Brexit’, there was little or no information available for businesses to study in order to ‘prepare’ themselves.

In the same way that businesses are struggling to export goods to EU countries, they are also suffering from the same kind of difficulties importing. My wife’s company brings a great deal of raw material in from the EU - a straightforward matter pre-31/12/21 - but, since then her suppliers have managed to get just one shipment across. Like U.K. hauliers, their EU counterparts are having the same problems with documentation and hauliers being reluctant to take the work on for fear of their trucks getting ‘stuck’ here and unable to get back. Fortunately, she foresaw the coming fuck-up, and stockpiled material in the last quarter of 2020, but that’s being used and needs to be replenished - no sign of that happening short-term.

But never mind, the cabal of immensely wealthy individuals who pull the Tory strings and drove the BrexShit campaign can rest easy, knowing their tax-dodging can continue unhindered....