The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31390   Message #408996
Posted By: Art Thieme
01-Mar-01 - 04:40 PM
Thread Name: An end to bulfighting on Channel 4?
Subject: RE: An end to bulfighting on Channel 4?
It all depends on your point of view. In places where 100% of folks eat other folks, canabalism would be acceptable.

The best we can do is lean toward the good as we see it.

Feel as you will about all sorts of things. Others will feel and conduct themselves as they see fit. Smoking, choice vs. life, Kosovo vs. peacekeepers, bullfights vs. animal rightists, the Crusades vs. the pacifism of Ghandi and M.L.King. Wars get fought over some of these things---and, then again, some get resolved more amicably.

It's just what is !

As Lenny Bruce said (speaking of those opposed to sex education in schools): "Having a knowledge of syphyllis is not a directive to go out and contract it."

Art Thieme