The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31454   Message #409047
Posted By: Clinton Hammond
01-Mar-01 - 05:35 PM
Thread Name: BS: PMS Horror Stories
Subject: PMS
Dave Foley (Kids In The Hall/News Radio fame) brought up an interesting point on Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher the other night...

It's only been in fairly recent times that PMS has become a problem... before the advent of birth control and overly hormone-treated meat, women started 'cycling' later than they do these days... and they likley got pregnant earlier... and they were more likely to keep getting pregnant as their life went on... every time you get preganat that's a whole year off PMS (which in some cases is 2 weeks a month)... add that to the fact that women who are breast feeding don't menstruate either right (?)

Now I'm not advocating a return to 'barefoot, pregnant, and in the kitchen' at all, but maybe just maybe menstruating 12 times a year isn't what the human body was designed to do?

I donno... but I do know I'd rather put up with the pattern baldness and that prostate thing later on in life... You ladies got the short end of the stick, I'm pretty sure...