The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31454   Message #409071
Posted By: Kim C
01-Mar-01 - 05:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: PMS Horror Stories
Subject: RE: BS: PMS Horror Stories
Sledge, that is very sweet, thank you. :)

Tig, I'll share. I'm not that mean.

Mister is taking me out for barbecue and beer this evening. That may help some.

Clint, I don't believe that guy's remarks. Women have always had hormonal cycles, and there have always been women who didn't have children. It's only been in the last 20 years that someone put a name to the horrid symptoms some of us have at that time of the month, and I see there are some, like Mr. Foley, who don't take it seriously. and yeah, it is good to laugh about it, I think... but it's not funny when you're a crying screaming weepy mess for 2 weeks out of 4. And yes, women do menstruate while they're breastfeeding. Maybe not once a month - my friend said hers were about every six weeks. And if Mr. Foley thinks pregnancy doesn't come with its own set of hormone swings... well... I won't say he's an idiot but maybe someone else will.

Dolly Parton also has a PMS Blues song but it's different from the one posted above. Gosh I love Dolly...

Cheers---- Kim