The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169209   Message #4090783
Posted By: Monique
31-Jan-21 - 03:25 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
Sung by Diplocase on 2020/08/03.

Allons au bois, Dame Lombarde, allons au bois, (bis)
Nous trouverons le serpent verde, nous le tuerons. (bis)

Dans une pinte de vin rouge, nous le mettrons, (bis)
Quand ton mari viendra de chasse, grand soif aura. (bis)

"Tire du vin, Dame Lombarde, tire du vin". (bis)
"Et, par ma foi, mon amant Pierre, n'y a de tiré." (bis)

L'enfant du bré*, jamais ne parle, a bien parlé, (bis)
"Ne buvez pas de ça, mon père, vous en mourrez." (bis)

"Buvez-en vous, Dame Lombarde, buvez-en vous." (bis)
"Et, par la foi, mon amant Pierre, n'ai point de soif." (bis)

Elle n'a pas bu demi-verre, s'est renversée, (bis)
Elle n'a pas bu le plein verre, a trépassé. (bis)

Let's go to the woods, Lady Lombard, let's go to the woods, (x2)
We will find the green snake, we will kill it. (x2)

In a pint of red wine we'll put it, (x2)
When your husband comes from hunting, he'll be very thirsty. (x2)

"Draw wine, Lady Lombard, draw wine". (x2)
"And, by my faith, my lover Pierre, there's some already drawn." (x2)

The child in the cradle never speaks, he's spoken well, (x2)
"Don't drink this, father, you will die of it." (x2)

"Drink it yourself, Lady Lombard, drink it yourself." (x2)
"And, by faith, my lover Peter, I'm not thirsty." (x2)

She hadn't drunk half a glass [yet when] she tumbled out(x2)
She hadn't drunk the full glass [yet when] when she passed away. (x2)
"bré" is the word for "berceau" (cradle) in the Franche-Comté dialect – It's "breç" in Occitan and "bressol" in Catalan.

This song is of Italian origin. There are 16 versions of it in Canti popolari del Piemonte pubblicati da Costantino Nigra (1888). It's been collected in Italy in the early 1800's. There's a 18 pages comment after the songs (all in Italian)

Rendition by Malicorne
Rendition by Les voix de Gaïa band
Rendition by Pierre Bensusan
Sheet music

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