The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #168285   Message #4090844
Posted By: Donuel
31-Jan-21 - 11:17 AM
Thread Name: BS: Trump Actions & Effects (NO new Trmp threads!)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump Actions and Effects
Apologies to Steve. Although the Senators are jurists in an impeachmeent trial they are a different kind of jury.
If thats what you meant?

Alex Jones is back in the news for passing along $300,000 to organizers of the Capitol attack.

OPTIONAL RANT: I hope Trump will found and fund his new Patriot Party (PeePee). Sane Republicans need a country club of their own abd Rethugricans can splinter off and join Trump with glee and shower him in PeePee autocracy. In no time America will decide which party is truly a fringe party.